The Home of Exquisite Jewellery
Early 2018 in the heart of Africa, Zimbabwe, Bergen & Rowe was born. It was a day I remember vividly; a day engulfed in a fresh breeze blowing through the long adrenaline grass & the smell of a Safari in the air. After years of dreams & designs, the final push of inspiration just flowed.
With a metallurgist for a father, a gemologist for a mother & a creator myself, this was my destiny. Bergen & Rowe was based, in partial, on life as I knew it, embodying the metaphorical & literal, creating beauty through the rough & serving as reminders of where you've been or where you're still to go.
Like life, the designs are an embodiment of a beautiful collision of contradictions. They are smooth yet edgy, feminine yet not distinctly delicate, adorned yet effortless. You can interpret them as you wish, but one thing is certain, they were created with an over-the-top attention to detail & a whole lot of love & passion to share the beauty of life & the world we live in.

Lisa x